EW Reveals First Look at ‘Captain Marvel’


Captain Marvel
She’s finally here! EW have just revealed the long awaited first look at Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel.


First teased at the end of this year’s Avengers: Infinity War, Captain Marvel is set to take the MCU by storm in her solo debut next year.


The twenty first feature film in the MCU, and the first led by a solo female super hero, will take us back in time to the 1990s to introduce us to  Carol Danvers. According to EW the movie will forgo the traditional origin story, instead opening with Carol already in space, serving as part of the Kree’s elite Starforce team.



“She can’t help but be herself,” Larson told EW. “She can be aggressive, and she can have a temper, and she can be a little invasive and in your face. She’s also quick to jump into things, which makes her amazing in battle because she’s the first one out there and doesn’t always wait for orders. But the [not] waiting for orders is, to some, a character flaw.”


Could one of those others be Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury? The 1990s may be an age before Iron Man “successfully privatized world peace” but SHIELD, along with both Fury (with two eyes) and Clark Gregg’s Phil Coulson, is set to appear.



Director Anna Boden told EW “this is not a superhero who’s perfect or otherworldly or has some godlike connection. But what makes her special is just how human she is. She’s funny, but doesn’t always tell good jokes. And she can be headstrong and reckless and doesn’t always make the perfect decisions for herself. But at her core, she has so much heart and so much humanity – and all of its messiness.”


In addition to the cover, seen above, EW also released a gallery of first look images including looks at Captain Marvel, Jude Law’s Starforce Commander, the Skrulls, and familiar faces such as Guardians of the Galaxy‘s Ronan!


Captain Marvel is due to hit theaters March 8th 2019. Stay tuned to MNN for more MCU updates.